
Getting Your Chimney Flue Repair Done by the Professional

Getting Your Chimney Flue Repair Done by the Professional

Chimney flue repair is essential if you have got clay flue tiles in the masonry chimney, which are cracked and busted. Suppose there is the busted tile, or you see the mortar joint between these tiles that will start to fail, thus it is very important that you repair this at the earliest.

The properly maintained chimney will not just work better, but it reduces possibility of the harmful fumes coming your home and worse, deadly fire. When the fire burns, combustion process produces creosote, carbon monoxide, and other chemicals that must vented outside the home. Thus, it is important to look for chimney flue repairs.

Why Chimney Relining and Flue Repair Is Important?

While it is true that, for several years, chimneys were made without the flue liners, but that does not mean chimney liner isn’t required. Actually, fire safety organizations agree that each venting system must be lined for safety of your home and business and efficiency and performance of its system.

You see, chimney liner offers the insulated and smooth surface and passageway of smoke, gases, or other byproducts of the combustion that are produced by fire. Heat & byproducts can be escorted up through flue as well as out of your chimney, just to ensure complete protection against the chimney flue repair

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Fire
  • Creosote buildup
  • Smoke
  • Performance issues

Does Chimney Require Flue Liner Kit?

Suppose the chimney with the damaged flue pipe gets used to exhaust the fuel heating appliance, danger of blockage and gaps will allow the carbon monoxide to come in your house from damaged liner. When the modern fuel appliances vent through the masonry chimney with the old clay tiles, flue liner will become essential to handle corrosive and damp exhaust of the fuel-efficient systems.

The flue liner kits often are made from aluminum (natural gas fuel) and stainless steel, to perform better than clay flue tile kind installed originally. While selecting the chimney flue liner, think of what combustion products it is going to vent and select the top lining material for the chimney. Remember, to maximize life of the relined chimney and install the chimney flue cap.

Schedule Your Inspection Today

Do you know when time you had the flue liner inspected last time? If it was a long time before, then you must plan for the inspection immediately by the professional.

Published by Venerable Bede